Thursday 29 September 2016


" Life is full of adjustments, so try to adjust for sometime for some reasons so that you we cool and relaxed all the time"

-pradeep eliah

Wednesday 28 September 2016

Leaf with waterdroplets

"May be i am not a  professional in taking pictures; but i am trying to take the pictures in a professional manner"

-pradeep eliah

Tuesday 27 September 2016


"Happy Birthday Angel" wishing your loved once in the midnight is one of the most beautiful moment in our life becoz this moment will be filled with LOVE 

-pradeep eliah

Monday 26 September 2016

Pretty Look

"Our life is like a puzzle; we will face many obstacles in this game, when you completed the level-1 as early as possible you will be entered into level-2 so life as many levels and many puzzles"

-pradeep eliah

Sunday 25 September 2016

True Love

"A true love starts from the bottom of heart; it doesn't depend upon his physical appearance it just depends upon love,care and trust"

-pradeep eliah

Saturday 24 September 2016

Natural Wild Act

"We can learn many lessons from the book called LIFE, it teaches a new thing everyday so never repeat the same mistake twice; when you repeat it again and again you will like butterfly in this picture"

-pradeep eliah

Friday 23 September 2016

oryza crop

"I love the person who had planted me with all my heart but he had some reasons to plant me; whatever may be the reasons i don't care, i love him"

-pradeep eliah

Thursday 22 September 2016

Baby Plant

"If your not supposed to plant, your not supposed to kill"

-pradeep eliah

Wednesday 21 September 2016


"Having a valuable thing in your hands & if your trying to preserve it for future, it is just like having a cup of tea without milk in the morning"

-pradeep eliah 

Tuesday 20 September 2016


"Sea is an wonderful artist becoz it draws the pictures by using the waves; just imagine soil is like a sea and sea like a soil; creation of an image starts from creative mind"

-pradeep eliah

Monday 19 September 2016


"people always run to taste the success becoz success is like a sweetest honey pie to them, but they don't know failure tastes more"

-pradeep eliah

Sunday 18 September 2016

Dotted Jasmine

"Today i may be a failure, Tomorrow i will be a learner, one day in future i will be a winner"

-pradeep eliah

Saturday 17 September 2016


"Some people don't express there feelings about someone or something and they place boundaries between them, these people will be with broken heart and fake smile"

-pradeep eliah

Friday 16 September 2016

Red Crab

"Wanna live in this world forever and ever but god had given me a little lifespan, so i am really happy with what i had"

-pradeep eliah

Thursday 15 September 2016

Every sec is like a breathe

"There is no quotes for this picture becoz i am shutting down my brain for few seconds or may be  few minutes or few hours so that my brain will be relaxed for sometime"

-pradeep eliah

Wednesday 14 September 2016

Calotropis gigantea

"There is no meaning for god's wonderful creation; no meaning but wonderful creation"

-pradeep eliah 

Tuesday 13 September 2016

Touch Me Not

"Its fact People treat some persons like untouchables, but when they are in a well settled position we people run at the back of them"

-pradeep eliah

Monday 12 September 2016


"In the beginning you started it first, time passed like a rollercoaster, now as a result we are homeless"

-pradeep eliah

Sunday 11 September 2016


"Learn something new everyday becoz what we learnt will be in the past when your at present"

-pradeep eliah

Saturday 10 September 2016


"Hold the time tightly for sometime so that, i will be in this sweetest moment by watching you all the time"

-pradeep eliah

Friday 9 September 2016


"Live for today, never think about tomorrow beocz tomorrow will be always a question mark so always think about the present and be happy"

-pradeep eliah

Thursday 8 September 2016

Oriental fountain

"search for a place where you can feel the nature's beauty, sit over there for sometime and watch everything carefully; all your sweet memories will rush into your mind"

-pradeep eliah


"Love me as much as you can, play with me as long as you can; trust me you will never get bored of me"

-pradeep eliah

Wednesday 7 September 2016


"Never believe in something what you see all the time, believe in something that what you trust"

-pradeep eliah


"people will always judge me by my anger, but they don't know its just my outer appearance"

-pradeep eliah

Tuesday 6 September 2016

Turmeric flower

"Every day as soon as you wake up have a smile on your face becoz by seeing your smile everyone in the home will start smiling"

-pradeep eliah

Monday 5 September 2016

Plant family

"Live your life with all your family members not only in happiest moments but also in sorrows, becoz being together makes you more stronger"

-pradeep eliah

Sound from heart

"Whatever may be the weather conditions i need to work hard, if i work hard over here, there my family will have a cup of rice in the evening"

-pradeep eliah

Sunday 4 September 2016

Mother's love

"No one cares you like mother, no ones love is equal to mother's love, if you wanna praise her for what she have done you need more than a life"

-pradeep eliah

Black garden ant

"Never think that i am too small  to do that work, inside of you their is a special  person called bigger, activate him he  will take charge on your work"

-pradeep eliah

Saturday 3 September 2016

Touch me not plant flower

"Problems will be with you all time instead of crying by seeing them learn how to laugh by seeing them"

-pradeep eliah

Honey Bee

"Never feel that your alone, the person who had created you is still alive"

-pradeep eliah

Friday 2 September 2016

Train Tracks

"Trains don't have ways to reach its destiny, it just have tracks. they will form a way to reach its destiny, in the same way i don't have ways to reach my destiny but i have tracks which takes me to my destiny"

-pradeep eliah

Save Water

Every drop of water is so precious please DON'T WASTE it, without it we can't even live for a day so SAVE WATER SAVE MANKIND

-pradeep eliah

Thursday 1 September 2016


"When the spring starts, very one will be in a mood of happiness, to double their happiness i am gonna sing becoz music makes the life more beautiful"

-pradeep eliah